joy behar's lasagna recipe

Joy Behar’s Lasagna Recipe: A Mouthwatering Delight to Savor

In today’s world, where everyone seems to be a foodie, trying out new recipes and experimenting with different cuisines is an exciting adventure. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding Joy Behar’s lasagna recipe. Joy Behar is a well-known American comedian and television host who is famous for her love of Italian cuisine. Her lasagna recipe has been making waves on social media, with many people raving about how delicious and easy it is to make. In this article, we will take a closer look at Joy Behar’s famous lasagna recipe and explore why it has become so popular.

The Ultimate Guide to Making Joy Behar’s Lasagna Recipe: Tips and Tricks

joy behar's lasagna recipe

Lasagna is a classic Italian dish that has been loved by many for generations. Joy Behar’s Lasagna, in particular, has gained popularity for being absolutely delicious. Here’s the ultimate guide to making this tasty lasagna recipe.


  • For the lasagna, you will need the following ingredients: one pound of ground beef, one pound of sweet Italian sausage, one cup of chopped onion, two cloves of garlic, two cans of tomato sauce, one can of tomato paste, two teaspoons of dried basil leaves, two teaspoons of dried parsley flakes, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of pepper, 24 ounces of cottage cheese, one and a half cups of grated Parmesan cheese, two eggs, one pound of no-boil lasagna noodles, and one pound of shredded mozzarella cheese.
  • When choosing your ingredients, opt for high-quality and fresh ingredients. Look for meat that is bright in color and has minimal fat content. Use freshly grated Parmesan cheese and check for any signs of mold or discoloration. Choose firm and fresh lasagna noodles to avoid them from falling apart during cooking.

Equipment needed:

  • To make Joy Behar’s Lasagna, you will need a large skillet, a wooden spoon, a mixing bowl, a 13×9 inch baking dish, and an oven. In case you don’t have these tools, you can use a large pot instead of a skillet and a regular spoon instead of a wooden spoon. You can also use a rectangular baking dish instead of a 13×9 inch dish.


  1. The culinary procedure for making lasagna requires preheating your oven to a specific temperature of 375°F. Following this, in a large skillet, the ground beef, Italian sausage, onion, and garlic are cooked on medium heat until they are browned to perfection. Once that is done, the tomato sauce, tomato paste, basil, parsley, salt, and pepper are added to the skillet and stirred well, allowing the ingredients to simmer for 15 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  2. In a separate mixing bowl, a luscious combination of cottage cheese, Parmesan cheese, and eggs is blended to prepare the next stage of the dish.
  3. Now, it’s time to assemble the lasagna. The first step involves spreading a layer of the meat sauce at the bottom of the 13×9 inch baking dish, followed by the placement of no-boil lasagna noodles. The third layer consists of the prepared cottage cheese mixture, which is then covered with a layer of shredded mozzarella cheese. The process of layering is repeated until all the ingredients have been utilized.
  4. Finally, the baking dish is covered with foil and placed in the oven for 25 minutes, followed by the removal of the foil and an additional 25 minutes of baking time. The end result is an appetizing lasagna with melted, bubbly cheese. It is recommended to allow it to cool for a few minutes before serving.

Nutrition Facts: One serving of Joy Behar’s Lasagna (1/12 of the recipe) contains approximately 491 calories, 28g of fat, 29g of protein, and 30g of carbohydrates. This dish is a great source of protein, but it is high in calories and fat, so it should be enjoyed in moderation.

Creative Variations to Joy Behar’s Lasagna Recipe: Add Some Twist to the Classic Dish

joy behar's lasagna recipe

Joy Behar’s lasagna recipe is a classic dish that can be easily customized to suit different dietary needs and preferences. For those who prefer a vegetarian or vegan version, there are several options available. One can substitute the ground beef with meat alternatives like tofu, tempeh or seitan. Another option is to use vegan cheese instead of regular cheese. There are many vegan cheese options available in the market, including almond cheese, soy cheese, and cashew cheese, to name a few. Additionally, instead of beef broth, vegetable broth can be used to add flavor to the dish.

For those with gluten sensitivities, there are a few variations that can be made to the recipe. One option is to use gluten-free lasagna noodles, which are readily available in most grocery stores. Alternatively, zucchini or eggplant slices can be used in place of pasta sheets. These vegetables not only add a unique flavor to the dish, but also make it healthier and more nutritious.

For those looking to add some extra flavor to the lasagna, there are several variations that can be made to the recipe. One option is to add spinach to the tomato sauce, which adds a pop of color and nutrition to the dish. Additionally, mushrooms or roasted red peppers can be added to the sauce to give it a smoky and earthy flavor. Another option is to substitute the ground beef with ground turkey or chicken, which gives the dish a lighter and healthier twist.

Joy Behar’s Lasagna Recipe: A Timeless and Delicious Classic for Every Occasion

Lasagna is a revered Italian gastronomic masterpiece, cherished for ages. Its roots date back to ancient Greece, where it was prepared with layers of pasta and meat sauce. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until the Middle Ages that lasagna graced Italy’s culinary scene, where it quickly became a favorite in the northern regions. Over time, lasagna has undergone a transformation, incorporating diverse meats, vegetables, and cheeses, thus transforming it into a versatile dish that can cater to different palates and events.

Lasagna is a perfect dish for family dinners, potlucks, and holiday gatherings. It’s a crowd-pleaser that can feed a large group of people, and it’s easy to prepare in advance, making it a convenient option for busy hosts. It’s also a great option for a cozy night in with your loved ones. Imagine a steaming hot plate of lasagna, paired with a glass of red wine and some garlic bread, enjoyed in the comfort of your own home. It’s the ultimate comfort food that’s sure to warm your heart and soul.

When it comes to pairing suggestions, there are many options that go well with lasagna. A full-bodied red wine, such as a Chianti or a Cabernet Sauvignon, pairs well with the rich tomato sauce and cheese. For a lighter option, a crisp Caesar salad with homemade dressing is the perfect accompaniment. And for dessert, nothing beats a classic Italian tiramisu, with its layers of creamy mascarpone cheese and espresso-soaked ladyfingers.


As we come to the end of our article, we cannot forget to mention another popular food item that has been making waves in recent times – El Genio del Shawarma. This Lebanese fast-food chain has taken the world by storm with its delicious shawarmas that are served with a variety of toppings and sauces. The secret to their success lies in the high-quality ingredients they use and their commitment to providing customers with an authentic and memorable dining experience. In conclusion, whether you are a fan of Italian cuisine or Lebanese fast food, there is always something new and exciting to try in the world of food.

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